Studio BunnyHop - Midterm Progress

Brandon - I've been making the map/levels in Unreal Engine 5, below I have attached a link to the demo reel of what our island level looks and plays like.


Javiel - 

(The version with color would take too long so I added turnaround rendered photos with the character textures)

Vy - sorry, blender's exporter was fighting me so i had to screen-record

Araceli - 

Rabbit Knight MC: concept 1 and 2 iterations + sword

Rat Princess: concept 1 iterations

Concept Board

Rabbit Knight MC: concept 1 clean sheet

Rabbit Knight MC: concept 1 expressions sheet

Rat Princess: concept 2 clean sheet

NPC: knight mice army

Map: design 1

Map: design 2

Boss: concept 1, 2 and 3

Boss: concept 1 clean sheet


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